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ANT bicycle power example wont work, NRF_ERROR_SDM_LFCLK_SOURCE_UNKNOWN


i use the nRF51 SDK_v6.1.0.0 with s210_nrf51422_3.0.0_softdevice.hex and EM:Blocks as IDE.

i have included the SD210 into the project wizard and created the s210 "C" file with the SD Array.

static __INLINE void softdevice_setup(void)
   uint32_t err_code = 0;

  err_code = sd_softdevice_enable(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_50_PPM, softdevice_assert_callback);

  err_code = sd_nvic_SetPriority(SD_EVT_IRQn, NRF_APP_PRIORITY_LOW);

  err_code = sd_nvic_EnableIRQ(SD_EVT_IRQn);

called by:

int main( void )
   return 0;

sd_softdevice_enable returns 0x0002

wondering why because nRF51 SDK_v6.1.0.0 is stated to be compatible with revision QFAA E0 which is on PCA10006 which i use.

i used the bicycle power only example for PCA10003 and simplified it without button usage etc.

I'm not sure if i'm allowed to post the project attached because of Softdevice etc.?!

Greets Andi
