How is authoriazation done in the nRF8001 ? How do we use authorization ?
How is authoriazation done in the nRF8001 ? How do we use authorization ?
Can you please elaborate a bit on what kind of authorization you mean?
We would like to use as a user Authorization on embedded device with a user interface connected to the mcu with the nRF8001. The phone app requests "I would like to do this operation", the the User must approve it on the user interface of the embedded device, when the user approves it the operation will be done, otherwise the operation will not be done.
Given your extra explanation above, it sounds as if what you want can be achieved with a Write operation. When you configure a characteristic with the Write property, you'll get a DataReceivedEvent over the ACI interface, to which you should reply with either a SendDataAck or SendDataNack, depending on whether the user accepted or rejected the action.