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Getting started with Eclipse Luna

I just starting out trying to get an Eclipse dev environment up and running. I've tried following nAN-29 but it seems out of date. The issues I run into are:

  1. CDT Main Features - I've downloaded this but it does not appear under Eclipse > Debug Configuration

  2. I don't know where to download the GDB Hardware Debugging?

  3. The does not seem to be an active repository link on the eclipse site for Luna, so I don't know what link to use. According to the nAN-29 the old link was ""

Thanks for the help guys.

  • Thanks for help guys, unfortunately I've made very little progress on this today. I can't seem to complete the steps in nAN-29.

    What does "Add the make utility to your system path" mean under the MAKE UTILITY section?

    I cannot seem to complete step 7 in section 1.1. Though all 3 parts are install, there is no org.eclipse.cdt.embsysregview_x.x.x folder under eclipse plugins. I tried uninstalling eclipse and re-installing and adding the tools 7 times, but this folder still does not appear. Please advise?

    Though it says that the GDB Hardware Debugging is installed in eclipse, it does not appear under Debug Configurations?

    Sorry guys, I'm a Hardware guy so I'm no whiz with software. Without completing these steps I can't move on to a test project in the instructions. Thanks

  • Thanks for help guys, unfortunately I've made very little progress on this today. I can't seem to complete the steps in nAN-29.

    What does "Add the make utility to your system path" mean under the MAKE UTILITY section?

    I cannot seem to complete step 7 in section 1.1. Though all 3 parts are install, there is no org.eclipse.cdt.embsysregview_x.x.x folder under eclipse plugins. I tried uninstalling eclipse and re-installing and adding the tools 7 times, but this folder still does not appear. Please advise?

    Though it says that the GDB Hardware Debugging is installed in eclipse, it does not appear under Debug Configurations?

    Sorry guys, I'm a Hardware guy so I'm no whiz with software. Without completing these steps I can't move on to a test project in the instructions. Thanks

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