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Hi, I use s120 stack. Peripheral device sends a notification 6 in a row, but the central device receives only the first 3 notification. How to get all the notifications?

  • Please provide some more details, and try to be a bit more concise. This guideline may be helpful. Are you using S110 as a peripheral? Are you sending one characteristic value? What does "in a row" mean? Are you sure the peripheral sends 6 notifications? How are you testing this? Please edit your question and add more information.

  • Please provide some more details, and try to be a bit more concise. This guideline may be helpful. Are you using S110 as a peripheral? Are you sending one characteristic value? What does "in a row" mean? Are you sure the peripheral sends 6 notifications? How are you testing this? Please edit your question and add more information.

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