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Sending custom BLE characteristic to SD card

I have developed my own custom BLE service. I need to send BLE characteristic to an SD card. I have implemented the FATFS example and it works.

Now I'm trying to merge my custom BLE application with FATFS. However, I've not been able to link a BLE characteristic WRITE event to write to writing to FATFS. 

Here is the code snippet. Here I'm just trying to link a BLE WRITE event to a FATFS WRITE function to write a generic string to the file (not sending characteristic data).

However, on debugging, the program execution never seems to enter the fatfs_write() function. 

What could be happening? Is there something wrong in the program flow logic? Please help. 


static void on_cus_evt(ble_cus_t     * p_cus_service,
                       ble_cus_evt_t * p_evt,
                       ble_evt_t const * p_ble_evt_main)
    ret_code_t err_code;
        case BLE_CUS_EVT_WRITE:

            printf("%s"," write to sd card ");
            flag =1;
        case 2: ....
        case 3: ....

void fatfs_write()
      NRF_LOG_INFO("Writing to file " FILE_NAME "...");
                ff_result = f_open(&file, FILE_NAME, FA_READ | FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_APPEND);
                if (ff_result != FR_OK)
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("Unable to open or create file: " FILE_NAME ".");
                    printf("%s"," unable to open ");

                ff_result = f_write(&file, TEST_STRING, sizeof(TEST_STRING) - 1, (UINT *) &bytes_written);
                if (ff_result != FR_OK)
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("Write failed\r\n.");
                    printf("%s"," write failed ");

                    NRF_LOG_INFO("%d bytes written.", bytes_written);
                    printf("%s"," byted written ");

                (void) f_close(&file);
                flag =0;

void main()
//initialize BLE, FATFS
for (;;)

Parents Reply
  • In your image there is no output in the terminal indicating that you have connected. I meant that you should pause the execution after connecting and write 0x01 to the characteristics, to see if the application is stuck somewhere. Please also include the screenshot of the whole SES workspace, including the assembly view shown when debugging (this can give further indications on where the application is when you pause execution).
