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Request : make documentation more visible


I just stumbled upon the nAn-36 note ( ) and I have two comments about it :

  • I think it's the best technical documentation I've ever read. Everything is explained clearly and concisely with extra little details to guide newcomers.
  • But why was it so hard to find it ? I found a link to it in an answer on this very forum, I think it's somewhat surprising it doesn't appear in download pages for the NRF51822 or when I click on the "documentation" page of the developer zone. This great document feel a bit wasted if newcomers cannot find it in the first place (or maybe didn't I look in the right place ?)

Anyway, I hope you won't mind my feedback, I'm new to this world and it feels Nordic tries everything to make it easier.

  • Hi,

    Welcome to the world of embedded BLE and Nordic products :-)

    As you mention, we at Nordic always try to improve the whole experience with our products, so that you, as the customer & developer, is able to find all resources easy to access, and of course is able to ask questions and give us feedback if something is hard to reach or not properly announced.

    Having a downloads tab with links to resources here on Devzone is a very good idea. I'll bring this up with my other colleagues that work in Devzone daily.

    Thank you for the feedback, it is very much appreciated. We cannot get better without listening :-)

    Cheers, Håkon

  • Hi,

    Welcome to the world of embedded BLE and Nordic products :-)

    As you mention, we at Nordic always try to improve the whole experience with our products, so that you, as the customer & developer, is able to find all resources easy to access, and of course is able to ask questions and give us feedback if something is hard to reach or not properly announced.

    Having a downloads tab with links to resources here on Devzone is a very good idea. I'll bring this up with my other colleagues that work in Devzone daily.

    Thank you for the feedback, it is very much appreciated. We cannot get better without listening :-)

    Cheers, Håkon

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