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How to receive a major and minor from the particular UUID equipment?

I found the way to change a major and a minor in this DEVELOPER ZONE but I don’t know how to receive the particular UUID and read its major and minor. I use the MB39C811-EVBSK-02(Spansion) which has a nRF51822 for evaluating the nRF51822. Please advise me. Best regards,

  • What hardware are you using at the receiving side? You need to set up a BLE central that can scan for the advertising packets from you "Spansion". In the "Spansion" data sheet it is specified on page 9 that the receiving side:

    "Need supported Bluetooth v4.0 equipment which is iOS7 or Android 4.3 or later, to check operation. "

    So I would suggest that you use a Android 4.3 phone and install the Master Control Panel app from Nordic to scan for the device. Alternatively, you can use an iOS7 phone and install the LightBlue app.

  • What hardware are you using at the receiving side? You need to set up a BLE central that can scan for the advertising packets from you "Spansion". In the "Spansion" data sheet it is specified on page 9 that the receiving side:

    "Need supported Bluetooth v4.0 equipment which is iOS7 or Android 4.3 or later, to check operation. "

    So I would suggest that you use a Android 4.3 phone and install the Master Control Panel app from Nordic to scan for the device. Alternatively, you can use an iOS7 phone and install the LightBlue app.

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