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PCA10000 dongle broken?

I received my nRF51822 development kit today and the PCA10000 dongle doesn't appear to be working. I installed all the drivers/software as per the user guide and when I plug in the dongle, nothing happens. The LEDs on the dongle don't turn on or blink and Windows does not detect the device. Even looking in the device manager there's nothing that pops up, so I suspected I have a defective part.

Upon closer inspection, one of the capacitors (circled in the attached image) was poorly soldered and has a very weak connection. I'm not sure if this is actually the problem but I'm sure it doesn't help things.

Can anyone confirm that the LEDs should at least be blinking when the device is plugged in, regardless of enumeration, etc? I would like to know if this is indeed defective.

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