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GPIO value after wake up from GPIO

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on a nrf52832 board and i got an issue on Gpio config after a reset.

I configure a gpio with a register value of 4, low level, output pin and clear it before calling sd_power_system_off();

I wake up with a GPIO pin, the reset value is 0x00010000 (read from RESETREAS) and according to the documentation such a reset shoud maintain register value and Gpio configuration.

But after the reset all my gpio are clear and their register value is 3 after a burst peak. In my case that causes a wakeup on my gps ...

Has anyone a clue about this issue ?


Parents Reply
  • Didn't knew about this, i tried and it works indeed but only if my Gpio is not initialized.

    For example :



    // System is now OFF

    During my start-up phase i got init_gpio() called with in :

    nrf_gpio_cfg_input(EXTINT_GPS_PIN, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL);

    If i comment the last line, my gpio got the right state (value = 0) but if i initialize it I got value = 1.

    It's a known issue ?

    However thanks i didin't know for the gpio debug issue.
