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I'm using s110 v7.0.0 and sdk v6.1.0. Which situations can produce disconnection error 0x3E ? ( BLE_HCI_CONN_FAILED_TO_BE_ESTABLISHED ) how to avoid this error ?



  • The error message is what it is, if you check the core-spec, it does not give you more information than that the link-layer failed to establish the connection. If you attach a sniffer log (using the nRFsniffer), it will be a lot easier to pin-point what may be wrong.

  • The error message is what it is, if you check the core-spec, it does not give you more information than that the link-layer failed to establish the connection. If you attach a sniffer log (using the nRFsniffer), it will be a lot easier to pin-point what may be wrong.

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