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General Info: Usage of SoftDevice

Hi! How is the functionality choosen, the nRF51822 has to offer? Is the SoftDevice (e.g. SD120) an API in C where a specific functionality (e.g. central role listening to iBeacons) is chosen via specific usage of API and separate compiled C-code? Or is a SoftDevice always fully functional and the service is chosen by serial commands, eg. AT via UART?

Application: The nRF51822 would be the central role listening to iBeacon-Slaves. We just need to differ several iBeacons. Is a connection/bonding needed? Or can we just "listen" to the standard iBeacon packets of the nRF Beacon Kit? It would be OK to just read a MAC address instead of the iBeacon content(minor major, etc) What do you recommend to use as a partner for the round Beacon Kit? (no smartphone)

HW: We have 2 nRF iBeacon Kits and one mKit. It would be fine to get the mKit as the partner receiving iBeacons MAC-adresses or the iBeacon content.

Thanks for Answer in advance!

  • Hi

    The BLE softdevices are precompiled binaries, which are flashed to the chip before the application is flashed to the chip. The softdevices have API which the nRF51 SDK examples use in order to enable communication over BLE. In simple words, the C code in the nRF51 SDK examples is built on top of the softdevice API. So the way to start development is to take a code template from the SDK and modify it for your own purpose.

    Once you flash softdevice of choice and application, the nRF51822 performs its operations as instructed in the application, it only needs to enable wired communication interfaces as SPI or UART for import or export of data, it does not need those for controlling the BLE functionality or to control peripherals internally.

  • Hi

    The BLE softdevices are precompiled binaries, which are flashed to the chip before the application is flashed to the chip. The softdevices have API which the nRF51 SDK examples use in order to enable communication over BLE. In simple words, the C code in the nRF51 SDK examples is built on top of the softdevice API. So the way to start development is to take a code template from the SDK and modify it for your own purpose.

    Once you flash softdevice of choice and application, the nRF51822 performs its operations as instructed in the application, it only needs to enable wired communication interfaces as SPI or UART for import or export of data, it does not need those for controlling the BLE functionality or to control peripherals internally.

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