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nRF51822 Development Kit without nRFgo Starter Kit

Is it possible to use nRF51822 Development Kit without nRFgo Starter Kit? What I need - is to be able to connect couple of LEDs and buttons, can this be achieved without buying nRFgo Starter Kit ?

  • Yes, I've used the '822 and '422 development kits this way. You'll need connectors to which you can attach wires that plug into at least P2, see the PCA10004 schematic. I applied 3.3V to VTG, leaving the jumpers on K1 (2-3) and P4 (1-3, 2-4) as shipped. You should be able to wire LEDs and buttons as required, of course see the I/O DC specs and limit current accordingly.

  • No, the USB cable connects to the J-link lite debug adapter, which connects to the target (dev kit board) through the 10-wire ribbon cable. The debug adapter does not power the target.

    The dev kit board requires very little current, VDD is 3.0V typ 3.6V max, so you can power it from a variety of sources. (lab supply, 3.3V from some other board, batteries )

  • No, the USB cable connects to the J-link lite debug adapter, which connects to the target (dev kit board) through the 10-wire ribbon cable. The debug adapter does not power the target.

    The dev kit board requires very little current, VDD is 3.0V typ 3.6V max, so you can power it from a variety of sources. (lab supply, 3.3V from some other board, batteries )

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