Hi, I am looking for a Bluetooth Low Energy Soc based solution like nRF51822, but I'd like to have an open source firmware solution...
Do you have that kind of solution, nRF51822 solution or another ? (BLE and open source firmware)
Hi, I am looking for a Bluetooth Low Energy Soc based solution like nRF51822, but I'd like to have an open source firmware solution...
Do you have that kind of solution, nRF51822 solution or another ? (BLE and open source firmware)
This question is purely curiosity on my part: What drives the desire for an open source solution over a closed solution? I don't see a product requirement that would drive it so I can speculate that it is either a) You or your employer want/need to be able to control the source yourselves; b) A strongly held belief that all software should be open source
a) It is for a project where everything is open hardware & open software (bitcoin harware wallet) b) We want to be able to make any kind of modification if needed c) I don't think every software should be open source, it is a choice people can make
We do not, but we are evaluating different options to make it possible.
There is an open source BLE stack implementation targeting the nRF51822 chip. You can found it in the following link: github.com/.../blessed.
Of course the s110 softdevice has a lot more features, but this stack can advertise, scan and we are implementing LL connections.
Just found NimBLE part of mynewt
I'm guessing it could be easily ported to other OS