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nRF52810 es_flash_init(); fds_init(); error

Good morning

I'm new to these SoC systems, but I've developed a custom board with the nRF52810QCAA chip and I'm using the example (ble_app_eddystone) of the SDK15.2. softdevice s112 Segger Embedded studio V3.40 Windows version.

I can flash the IC but I get an error in the function es_flash_init () more concretely in the function fds_init ();
after some steps in debug i could see that code reach a point that should not be reach ( if ((p_page_addr == NULL)  // Should never happen).

What could be the problem!!

  • Hello,
    sry for "reopen" this discussion, but I got the exact same issue. But with the "ble_app_template" from SDK nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96 and the nRF52810QFAABB. I just opened the project \examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_template\pca10040e\s112\ses\ble_app_template_pca10040e_s112.emProject and made the modification described here

    Transferring an emulated project to the nRF52810 SoC
    If you have developed your application using the emulated project as a starting point, there is only one step you need to perform before you can run it natively on nRF52810: In your IDE, remove the DEVELOP_IN_NRF52832 define from the compile flags.

    and I also get stocked at exact this point. (same with nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345)

  • Hello,
    sry for "reopen" this discussion, but I got the exact same issue. But with the "ble_app_template" from SDK nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96 and the nRF52810QFAABB. I just opened the project \examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_template\pca10040e\s112\ses\ble_app_template_pca10040e_s112.emProject and made the modification described here

    Transferring an emulated project to the nRF52810 SoC
    If you have developed your application using the emulated project as a starting point, there is only one step you need to perform before you can run it natively on nRF52810: In your IDE, remove the DEVELOP_IN_NRF52832 define from the compile flags.

    and I also get stocked at exact this point. (same with nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345)

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