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will nrf24le1 impossible to design a low stanby remote controller ?

I meet problems:

  1. how to make all IO as input pull up??? like



P0CON = 0x50;

P0CON = 0x51;


how can I make all pins pull up? it seems only one pin can be pull up.

  1. how can I enable all pins wake up when LOW? the key will connect pin to GND when pressed.

    OPMCON= 0x00; // unlock needed?

     WUOPC0 = 0XFF;//
     WUOPC1 = 0XFF;//
     OPMCON = 0x06;// lock?
  2. how to enter standby? like following?

    PWRDWN = 0x04;

  3. is read the pin value like this?

unsigned char pin0value= P0;

unsigned char pin1value= P1;

the pin value I read is in change(not pull up all pins sucessfully?)

This is a simple function but I still can not make it working.......... so please help.

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