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Destination unreachable:address unreachable.

I am trying to set up mqtt between 2 nrf52s and rpi3 with the examples of sdk 15.0.2. I am very new to nrf52, rpi3 and networking. I have read everything needed as much as I can. However when I was following examples from infocenter and , there is a problem occurred. I could connect to nrf52 via bluetooth but I cannot send a ping to it. I have read related docs about Ipv6, 6Lowpan, BLE but could not find what is the point I have missed. May you please direct me to a way to understand my problem?

I am using Raspbian stretch lite version 4.14

SS of result of ping6 command

SS of result of ifconfig command

Parents Reply
  • Hi again,

    Now, I am able to send ping to address, the problem is I missed the point about linux kernel >= 4.12 mine is 4.14 and I need to omit 2 after fe80:: . I could succesfully connect and ping to the devices however cannot see any change when I press to button 1 on publisher. I think I could have some issues from mosquitto broker. I used non secure 1883 port to start broker by this command:

    mosquitto -p 1883

    before this I used 

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    sudo apt-get install mosquitto
    sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients

    commands to install mosquitto broker to my rpi. What could be the problem here?

    Best regards,


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