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Issues with DFU for SD v7


I'm testing out the new SoftDevice and am trying to update firmware OTA but thus far have not been able to do so. I've tried from the Master Control Panel android app (v 2.0.2). I can discover and connect to DfuTarg no problem but when I try to actually update the firmware it gets to 0%, hangs there for maybe 5 seconds, and then disconnects. I also tried from the PC version of Master Control Panel (v3.7.0) and the same thing happened. It connected, discovered, started DFU, and hung at zero.

The SoftDevice is version 7.0.0 flashed from nRFgo Studio (v, the bootloader is the version from SDK v6.1.0, and the firmware I'm trying to upload is the heart rate sensor app from the same SDK. This app works fine when flashed via nRFgo Studio.

I'm using a custom board and so have modified SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM, true) in ble_stack_init() to be SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT(NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_SYNTH_250_PPM, false).

Thanks for your help ^^

  • Hi

    I've found the same error. My configuration is as follows:

    • SDK using ble_app_hrs_dfu project without any change.
    • s110_nrf51822_7.0.0_softdevice.hex
    • nRFgoStudio 1.17.0
    • MCP 3.6.0

    I have used the following documentation:

    On the step 6, I click back but I can only see the device advertising again as 'Nordic_HRM'. I couldn't find the string "DfuTarg" searching files on the current project.

    Debugging I could see that the code is calling the bootloader_start function.

    Any other suggestion to test on my side?

    I have also tried the dfu with the nRF Toolbox from a nexus 4 and iphone 5 without any luck.


    Screen Captures

    Before flashing the bootloader After flashing the bootloader

  • No worries ^^ You're well into territory I've never explored (I never changed the bootloader) but those size numbers in the second screengrab look really, really broken. Maybe start a new thread asking about issues with the 128kB chip version?

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