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nRF51822 mKit Current consumption

Hi all,

i am having issues with the mKit and current consumption.

Just an FYI to measure consumption i am placing the mKIT in series with a shunt resistor and measuring the volt drop across the shunt to obtain current of circuit. The load in this case is the mKIT and is powered by placing 3.3V for the series circuit onto the +- headers near P1 on the mKIT.

Measuring current in this way yields 20mA just for blinky and a complete NRF System off 17mA.

Obviously this does not seem correct at all and am wondering what is happening and if has to do with power input near P1 sinking current even when the MCU is off? Is there a better way of measuring the current consumption on the mKIT?

  • See Figure 9 Power supply circuitry in nRF51822 mbed Kit User Guide v1.0, if you power your mkit board from P1 header 3-4 pins and measure voltage drop on shunt connected in series with 3 or 4 pin then you will have additional current that will power on-board programmer IC. You need to cut SB8 solder bridge and place shunt resistor on the footprint for R4. Then you can measure voltage drop on P1 header on pins 1 and 2. Read more in 4.10 Measuring current in nRF51822 mbed Kit User Guide v1.0.

  • Thanks a lot i completely understand now, you have been a great help!

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