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SDK6.1 s110 startup error (Eclipse gcc)

Hi, I am trying to port ble_app_alert_notification example to PCA10000 board. I've modified the example code in order not to use buttons and leds (always clear bond informations in flash). I am using eclipse and arm-gcc compiler. I flash SD7.0.0 with NRFGo Studio then upload my project using eclipse, my program "crash" during startup code at the first push command in SystemInit. When try to execute that line, it suddenly jumps to 0x6b0, i guess exception handler function, executes lots of instructions then crashes with strange pc values (0xfffffffe).

0x0001fc18:    LDR     R0, =SystemInit
0x0001fc1a:    BLX     R0 --> this call SystemInit 
                      SystemInit (disassambly code view):
0x0x01756c:     PUSH {r7, lr} --> "crash"

The strange thing is, that if i upload SD6.0.0 my program start running correctly and only sd_ble_enable() returns error 0x10, that i expect. My program starts at 0x00016000.

Any idea what could be wrong?

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