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PCA10005 GPIO: unable to drive a high voltage level.


I have the following code running on NRF51822:

int main(void)
    // Configure GPIO 08 (P1.0) as output.

   // Set HI on GPIO 08(P1.0)


However, when I check the voltage at pin 29 of connector P1 on the PCA10005 board (which I believe corresponds to GPIO 08) using a multimeter, I find that it reads 0V. What should I be expecting & is there any additional configuration required in order to drive a HI (3.3V) on GPIO pins.

Regards, NK

  • Hi,

    If you look at the GPIO section of the nRF51822 reference manual, it would appear that GPIO pins are set to low by default. You need to do a nrf_gpio_pin_set(8); in order to get the high value on the pin.

  • Hi John,

    Apologies if it was not clear - I think some of the formatting in my original post got removed, but I do have that statement in my code above. I would appreciate any pointers on how I could debug the fact that inspite of having the "nrf_gpio_pin_set" statement in my code, I am still not seeing a HIGH voltage level on the GPIO pin.

    Thanks, NK

  • Hi John,

    Apologies if it was not clear - I think some of the formatting in my original post got removed, but I do have that statement in my code above. I would appreciate any pointers on how I could debug the fact that inspite of having the "nrf_gpio_pin_set" statement in my code, I am still not seeing a HIGH voltage level on the GPIO pin.

    Thanks, NK

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