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I try to implement DFU to our application using Mesh_SDK 2.0.1 and 

When I use the DFU-Example everything works fine. I then implemented the 
DFU-code from the example to our client application to be able to update it 
(without provisioning of servers at the moment). 

To program the device I use: 

cd pc-nrfutil-mesh_dfu 
nrfutil dfu genpkg --application 
y_client.hex --company-id 0x00000059 --application-id 1 
--application-version 1 --sd-req 0x00A9 --mesh 
cd dfu 
python -d nrf52840_xxAA -sd "s140_6.0.0" -o 
cd .. 
nrfjprog --eraseall 
nrfjprog --program 
../../Mesh_SDK/bin/softdevice/s140_nrf52_6.0.0_softdevice.hex --chiperase 
nrfjprog --program 
nrfjprog --program 
nrfjprog --program client.hex 
nrfjprog --reset 

For DFU I use: 

cd pc-nrfutil-mesh_dfu 
nrfutil dfu genpkg --application 
y_client.hex --company-id 0x00000059 --application-id 1 
--application-version 2 --sd-req 0x00A9 --mesh 
cd dfu 
python -d nrf52840_xxAA -sd "s140_6.0.0" -o 
cd .. 
nrfutil --verbose dfu serial -pkg -p COM19 -b 115200 -fc --mesh 

This seems to work in the beginning, but then throws an error: 

Flushing com-port... 

Opened com-port 

Starting DFU upgrade of type 4, SoftDevice size: 0, bootloader size: 0, 
application size: 131356 

Sending DFU start packet, afterwards we wait for the flash on target to be 
initialized before continuing. 
PC -> target: 0502aabbccdd 
target -> PC: 0582aabbccdd 
Got echo response 
Sending DFU init packet 
PC -> target: 1378fdff040fc9d339f459000000010005000000 
target -> PC: 16a6045900000001000500000059000000010001000000 
target -> PC: 03847800 
PC -> target: 1378fdff040fc9d339f459000000010005000000 
target -> PC: 03847800 
PC -> target: 1478fcff0000c9d339f4ffffffff4780000000000c 
target -> PC: 03847800 
Sending firmware file 

[------------------------------------] 1% 00:11:50PC -> target: 
target -> PC: 03847883 
PC -> target: 1978fcff0100c9d339f400f0032059620200896202008b620200 
target -> PC: 03847887 
PC -> target: 1978fcff0100c9d339f400f0032059620200896202008b620200 
target -> PC: 03847887 
PC -> target: 1978fcff0100c9d339f400f0032059620200896202008b620200 
target -> PC: 03847887 
PC -> target: 1978fcff0100c9d339f400f0032059620200896202008b620200 
target -> PC: 03847887 

Failed to upgrade target. Error is: Device returned status code 
ERROR_INVALID_DATA (135) on a DFU data packet. 

What could be the problem here? 

Kind regards 


  • when i pause the debug session, after this happens i get to the disassembler. Addr2line.exe gives no result for this address.

    the client seems to work relaying DFU but fails to update its own firmware.

  • Hi Terje

    When I run my scripts with the DFU_Example, it works, so my scripts seem to be ok.
    Then I compared the Log-output of the working DFU-Example and of my client.

     0> <t:     707308>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  390,  New firmware!
     0> <t:     707311>, main.c,  127, DFU Firmware Outdated
     0> <t:     707313>, main.c,  130, DFU Update DFU request
     0> <t:     707316>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 0, count 255, interval: periodic, handle: FFFD
     0> <t:     707319>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  534, Killing a TX slot prematurely (repeats done: 3).
     0> <t:     707323>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  561,  SERIAL TX!
     0> <t:     773536>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 0, count 255, interval: periodic, handle: FFFD
     0> <t:     773540>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  534, Killing a TX slot prematurely (repeats done: 0).
     0> <t:     773544>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  561,  SERIAL TX!
     0> <t:     839642>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  430,  DFU start
     0> <t:     839645>, main.c,  145, DFU Start
     0> <t:     839647>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 1, count 6, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:     903019>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  329, Erase complete (0x41000)
     0> <t:     903022>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:     970994>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 2, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:     971009>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:     971013>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:     987713>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 3, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:     987725>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:     987728>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:    1004452>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 4, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:    1004464>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:    1004467>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:    1021170>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 5, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:    1021182>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:    1021186>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:    1037914>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 6, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:    1037927>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:    1037930>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:    1054665>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 7, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:    1054677>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:    1054681>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:    1071736>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 1, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:    1071749>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:    1071752>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:    1088808>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 2, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:    1088820>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:    1088824>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:    1105543>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 3, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:    1105555>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:    1105559>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     0> <t:    1122268>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 4, count 3, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:    1122280>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  324, Write complete (0x2003FE90)
     0> <t:    1122283>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     My client:
     0> <t:     343469>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  390,  New firmware!
     0> <t:     343471>, mesh.c,  715, DFU Firmware Outdated
     0> <t:     343474>, mesh.c,  718, DFU Update DFU request
     0> <t:     343476>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 0, count 255, interval: periodic, handle: FFFD
     0> <t:     343480>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  534, Killing a TX slot prematurely (repeats done: 2).
     0> <t:     343484>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  561,  SERIAL TX!
     0> <t:     409368>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 0, count 255, interval: periodic, handle: FFFD
     0> <t:     409372>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  534, Killing a TX slot prematurely (repeats done: 0).
     0> <t:     409375>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  561,  SERIAL TX!
     0> <t:     475887>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  430,  DFU start
     0> <t:     475890>, mesh.c,  732, DFU Start
     0> <t:     475892>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  528,  RADIO TX! SLOT 5, count 6, interval: exponential, handle: FFFC
     0> <t:     566814>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  329, Erase complete (0x47000)
     0> <t:     566817>, nrf_mesh_dfu.c,  333, Flash idle.
     no further messages, client crashed here or at least doesn't listen to the UART no more. Might also be a tomeout.

    ROM-Info of the application:

    <t:      58439>, mesh.c,  597, rom_base   26101
    <t:      58441>, mesh.c,  598, rom_end    460FC
    <t:      58443>, mesh.c,  599, rom_length 1FFFB
    <t:      58445>, mesh.c,  600, bank_addr   47000

     What could lead to this? I compared my code to the DFU-Example, but I can't find the difference.

  • Hi Terje

    If I power cycle the device after programming, the "Crash on first packet" disapears. Then I only have an ERROR_INVALID_DATA.

    The output now looks as follows:

    for programming i use:

      echo {
      echo     "bootloader_config": {
      echo        "bootloader_id": 1,
      echo        "bootloader_version": 1,
      echo        "company_id": 89,
      echo        "application_id": 1,
      echo        "application_version": 1
      echo    }
      echo }
    ) > bootloader_config_default.json
    python -d nrf52840_xxAA -sd "s140_6.0.0" -o ../client.hex
    cd ..
    nrfjprog --eraseall
    nrfjprog --program ../../Mesh_SDK/bin/softdevice/s140_nrf52_6.0.0_softdevice.hex --chiperase
    nrfjprog --program bootloader/mesh_bootloader_serial_gccarmemb_nrf52840_xxAA.hex
    nrfjprog --program ../../Source/connectivity_client/build/connectivity_client_Debug/connectivity_client.hex
    nrfjprog --program client.hex
    nrfjprog --reset

    For DFU:

    nrfutil dfu genpkg --application ../../Source/connectivity_client/build/connectivity_client_Debug/connectivity_client.hex --company-id 0x00000059 --application-id 1 --application-version 2 --sd-req 0x00A9 --mesh

    nrfutil --verbose dfu serial -pkg -p COM%Comport% -b 115200 -fc --mesh

    Can you see what's going wrong here?



  • I'm having the same problem aswell, any leads ?

  • it seems that the erase sequence takes too much time. I explicitly added --i 500 to the dfu serial command and it seems to be working but it take 42 minutes to do DFU instead of 10 minutes.

    500ms is the default value based on the help!
