I am working on MPU-6050 sensor.
I have downloaded the NRF5-MPU-EXAMPLE from this link
in that there is no SES file.
How to create a SES file to work this code in segger..
I am working on MPU-6050 sensor.
I have downloaded the NRF5-MPU-EXAMPLE from this link
in that there is no SES file.
How to create a SES file to work this code in segger..
I would recommend that you copy a SES project from another example in the same SDK version and modify this with the paths and source files required for the MPU examples. This video tutorial should show you how to add files into the SES project.
For instance, if you want to use nrf5-ble-mpu-data-ready-interrupts example on a PCA10040 board, you should copy the ses folder from examples\ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart\pca10040\s132\ into examples\nrf5-mpu-examples\nrf5-ble-mpu-data-ready-interrupts\pca10040\s132\ and then add the required MPU library files.
Best regards,
You need to define the symbols (in project preprocessor symbold), configuring what device you are using. This is specified in the "How to use" section of the GitHub repository page.
You get these errors because you try to run the example in SDK 15.2.0. The Git repository say the examples have been written and tested for SDK 14.2.0, this is the version you have to use.
Please clone the mpu repository into examples directory in SDK v14.2.0. Then delete the entire nrf5-ble-mpu-simple directory, and extract the following: nrf5-ble-mpu-simple.zip
I have created the project for you.
HI Jorgen,
Thanks a lot for the project.
as you said i replace the directory and i build
i got 3 errors
F:\nRF52 SDK files\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\components\libraries\experimental_log\src\nrf_log_backend_rtt.c: No such file or directory
F:\nRF52 SDK files\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\components\libraries\experimental_log\src\nrf_log_backend_serial.c: No such file or directory
F:\nRF52 SDK files\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\components\libraries\experimental_log\src\nrf_log_backend_uart.c: No such file or directory
and i have seen in the preprocessor that
while in my directory there no such experimental_log folder
but there is only log/src/ (in that those files are available)
shall i change the preprocessor file or else i need to create the experimental_log folder..
IS there any library that suits for BMI160 bosch accelerometer gyroscope sensor
any code related to SDK_15.2
Yes, you need to change the path to the log directory in preprocessor include paths to the correct path in SDK 15.2.0. Note that the example is not written for SDK 15.2.0 and there might be many API changes between the major SDK versions.
No, I'm not aware of any such code available. We provide basic examples of how to use the peripherals of our ICs. The customers need to modify these themselves to work with desired sensors. We cannot provide complete libraries for every available sensors that customers want to use.
No, I'm not aware of any such code available. We provide basic examples of how to use the peripherals of our ICs. The customers need to modify these themselves to work with desired sensors. We cannot provide complete libraries for every available sensors that customers want to use.
shall I know how to modify SDK_14 to SDK_15.2.
Is there any tutorial for that. Please share..
There is a Migration guide in SDK 15.0.0 Getting Started section. Migration from 15.0.0 to 15.2.0 should be simpler as it is not a major SDK version update.
Migration from 15.0.0 to 15.2.0
But if we convert 14.2 sdk to 15.2 sdk. is might be same or its different as SDK version update
There should not be API changes from 15.0.0 to 15.2.0, but there could be additional features, bug fixes, etc. Follow the migration guide for SDK 15.0.0 and you should be well on your way.