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esb nRF24LU and nRF51822

I am trying to get enhanced shockburst working with the nRF24LU and the nRF5188. I am using the nRF5188 as the transmitter and the nRF24LU as the receiver. I am using the nRF51 sdk version 6. The example that I am using for the nRF51822 is the esb_ptx_ack_payload. Everything in this example has been left in its default state. The nRF24LU is using the enhanced_shockburst_prx_nrf24lu1p example found in the nrfgo_sdk. I read the user guide which said that I have to add the following code to the nRF24LU in order to make it compatible with the nRF51822:


For some reason its still not working. The odd thing is that when I run the nRF24LU code on one computer and the nRF51822 code on another computer, I can actually send ACKs from the nRF24LU to the nRF5188, but only if I use break points. If I let the code run without breakpoints, no data is transmitted. Also, the data being sent from the nRF51822 never reaches the nRF24LU. Here is the code for the nRF24LU:

#ifdef MCU_NRF24LU1P
#include "nrf24lu1p.h"

#include <stdint.h>
#include "hal_nrf.h"

// Global variables
uint8_t tx_payload[1];
uint8_t rx_payload[1];

void main()
#ifdef MCU_NRF24LE1
	while(hal_clk_get_16m_source() != HAL_CLK_XOSC16M)
		// Wait until 16 MHz crystal oscillator is running
	#ifdef MCU_NRF24LU1P
	// Enable radio SPI
	RFCTL = 0x10;

	// Set P0 as output
	P0DIR = 0;

	// Enable the radio clock
	RFCKEN = 1;

	// Enable RF interrupt
	RF = 1;
	// Enable global interrupt
	EA = 1;
	// Configure radio as primary receiver (PTX)
	// Set payload width to 1 byte
	hal_nrf_set_rx_payload_width((int)HAL_NRF_PIPE0, 1);
	// Power up radio

	// Enable receiver

// Radio interrupt
	uint8_t irq_flags;

	// Read and clear IRQ flags from radio
	irq_flags = hal_nrf_get_clear_irq_flags();

	// If data received
	if((irq_flags & (1<<(uint8_t)HAL_NRF_RX_DR)) > 0)
		// Read payload

		// Write received payload[0] to port 0
		P0 = rx_payload[0];
		//Write ACK
		tx_payload[0] = 0x88;

Any ideas? I think that since I can receive ACKs while debugging, it sounds like a synchronization problem. The only difference between using break points and not using them is that the code is slowed down. So, if I slow the code down I can receive ACKs, but what about the data being sent from the nRF51822? How come I don't receive that?

  • Hakon

    Thanks for the help, I did miss the fact that my program exits. I must have accidentally deleted the for(;;) loop that was at the end of main(). So I added the for(;;) after CE_HIGH() and I still can't get the 2 micro-controllers to communicate with each other.

    I added the code for the nRF51822 in case you want to look at it. Maybe I missed something else. Also, it might be good for others to see what's going on in case they ever want to do the same thing.

     #include "nrf_esb.h"
     #include "nrf_gpio.h"
    /** @name Configuration */
    // Define pipe
    #define PIPE_NUMBER 0 ///< We use pipe 0 in this example
    // Define payload length
    #define TX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH 1 ///< We use 1 byte payload length when transmitting
    // Data and acknowledgement payloads
    static uint8_t my_tx_payload[TX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH];                ///< Payload to send to PRX. 
    static uint8_t my_rx_payload[NRF_ESB_CONST_MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH]; ///< Placeholder for received ACK payloads from PRX.
    /** @} */
      * @brief Main function. 
      * @return ANSI required int return type.
     int main()
    uint32_t i;
    // Setup port directions
    // Initialize ESB
    // Add packet into TX queue
    my_tx_payload[0] = (~nrf_gpio_pin_read(19)) | 0x80;
    (void)nrf_esb_add_packet_to_tx_fifo(PIPE_NUMBER, my_tx_payload, TX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, NRF_ESB_PACKET_USE_ACK);
        // Optionally set the CPU to sleep while waiting for a callback.
    		// __WFI();
    	for(i=0; i<1000000; i++){}
      /** @name ESB callback function definitions  */
      // If an ACK was received, we send another packet. 
     void nrf_esb_tx_success(uint32_t tx_pipe, int32_t rssi){
    // Read buttons and load data payload into TX queue
    my_tx_payload[0] = (~nrf_gpio_pin_read(19)) | 0x80;  
    (void)nrf_esb_add_packet_to_tx_fifo(PIPE_NUMBER, my_tx_payload, TX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, NRF_ESB_PACKET_USE_ACK);
      // If the transmission failed, send a new packet.
      void nrf_esb_tx_failed(uint32_t tx_pipe){
    (void)nrf_esb_add_packet_to_tx_fifo(PIPE_NUMBER, my_tx_payload, TX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH, NRF_ESB_PACKET_USE_ACK);
     void nrf_esb_rx_data_ready(uint32_t rx_pipe, int32_t rssi){
    uint32_t my_rx_payload_length;
    // Pop packet and write first byte of the payload to the GPIO port.
    (void)nrf_esb_fetch_packet_from_rx_fifo(PIPE_NUMBER, my_rx_payload, &my_rx_payload_length);  
    if (my_rx_payload_length > 0)
    	 nrf_gpio_pin_set(16); // Button press is active low.
     // Callbacks not needed in this example.
     void nrf_esb_disabled(void)
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