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Why code without the SoftDevice?

I see many questions regarding developing applications without the SoftDevice. Perhaps I don't understand how this firmware system works, but isnt the SoftDevice required as it is the Stack that runs the Radio? Otherwise you are essential just developing on a Cortex M0 with no radio functionality. Am I missing something?

  • To many of us, it's a new environment to learn. So we need to start from the simplest first. The first thing to start learning a new micro and it's development environment is to make the led blink. Because it's simple and you can easily find out what you did wrong and to find things. Most of us are not expert though we need to do it one step at a time. It's like being lost in the jungle. First you need to explore near by to find what you need to survive the night. Then to survive longer. Then find what you needed to explore further to find your way out. It is as simple as that. Just to survive.

  • To many of us, it's a new environment to learn. So we need to start from the simplest first. The first thing to start learning a new micro and it's development environment is to make the led blink. Because it's simple and you can easily find out what you did wrong and to find things. Most of us are not expert though we need to do it one step at a time. It's like being lost in the jungle. First you need to explore near by to find what you need to survive the night. Then to survive longer. Then find what you needed to explore further to find your way out. It is as simple as that. Just to survive.

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