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Why code without the SoftDevice?

I see many questions regarding developing applications without the SoftDevice. Perhaps I don't understand how this firmware system works, but isnt the SoftDevice required as it is the Stack that runs the Radio? Otherwise you are essential just developing on a Cortex M0 with no radio functionality. Am I missing something?

  • The SoftDevice is for the BLE. Its more like BLE stack rather than Radio stack. You can still use the radio without the SoftDevice. For example, you can load a third party BLE or Wi-Fi stack or you can just use the radio without any stacks. You can even make your own protocol instead of BLE if that suits your needs (probably will have to get a lot of certifications to use it though). Even without the radio, there are still a lot of really useful peripherals on NRF51822 like the SPI, GPIOTE, RTC, etc. If you use the SoftDevice, however, you will have to use the SoftDevice functions like sd_nvic_SetPriority() instead of arm's NVIC_SetPriority().

  • The SoftDevice is for the BLE. Its more like BLE stack rather than Radio stack. You can still use the radio without the SoftDevice. For example, you can load a third party BLE or Wi-Fi stack or you can just use the radio without any stacks. You can even make your own protocol instead of BLE if that suits your needs (probably will have to get a lot of certifications to use it though). Even without the radio, there are still a lot of really useful peripherals on NRF51822 like the SPI, GPIOTE, RTC, etc. If you use the SoftDevice, however, you will have to use the SoftDevice functions like sd_nvic_SetPriority() instead of arm's NVIC_SetPriority().

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