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Details about Gazell Packet Format?

Hi, guys

I'm facing some problem in RF transmitting. While I used 51822 board being the device and compatible to nrf24LU1 as dongle. To analysis the problem, I need information in detail about packet format.

I checked the reference manual of 24LU1, it seems that the manual only indicate Enhanced ShockburstTm packet format. I worried about whether it is the same as in Gazell. Maybe someone can tell me where to find the document.

And also I checked the manual of nrf51822, I can't find a word about Gazell.

Two packet image description

I want to ensure these 2 packet format are using for Gazell

  • Hi,

    Gazell (in both nRF24L-series and nRF51-series) uses the same packet format. If not, they would not be on-air compatible.

    How is the setup on your gazell host and device? Note that the byte endianess must be setup correctly. Here's an example:

    #define NRF_GZLL_DEFAULT_FULL_ADDRESS_PIPE0 {0x01, 0x04, 0x07, 0x0A, 0x0D} ///< Corresponding legacy Gazell pipe 0 address.
    #define NRF_GZLL_DEFAULT_BASE_ADDRESS_0 0x0D0A0704  ///< Default base address 0.
    #define NRF_GZLL_DEFAULT_PREFIX_BYTE_0 1            ///< Default prefix address pipe 0.    

    The first address is the one set on the nRF24-side, and the two last are set on the nRF51-side. Configuration changes in gazell for nRF51-series must be done in main.c via the nrf_gzll-API, not in the "nrf_gzll_constants.h"

    Cheers, Håkon
