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S110 and IROM1 start address

Once I downloaded Soft Device 110 (s110_nrf51822_6.0.0_softdevice.hex) into my Evaluation Board's chip I ran nRFgo Studio and saw that the size of the Region 0 is 80KB and therefore the start address for the Region 1(Application) is 0x14000. But while reading S110_SoftDevice_Specification_v1 3.pdf ( I can see (on page #32) that the value for CODE_R1_BASE is 0x16000 which is 88KB of code memory usage, so, what information is correct - from nRFgo or from the Soft Device specification? I am trying to finally find out what value I should specify in Keil's (Options for Target->Target->IROM1) field Start - 0x14000 or 0x16000? According to it should be 0x14000 but I still don't understand why the spec has different information.

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