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error: invalid state upon disconnect


am doing a project for implementing broadcasting while in active connection... i hv broadcastd datas successfully but the problem is when i disconnect the connection it stops advertising...actually it shuld advertise.. ryt? it shows an error INVALID_STATE .error is in the line " err_code = sd_ble_gap_adv_start(&m_adv_params);"..i dnt knw wat is d problem... help me to solv it...

  • hiii asbjorn.......

    wat am doing is i just called non_connectable advertising in connection evt in on_ble_evt.. and connectable advertising in disconnect evt.... but now error occurs in the connectable advertising_start function cllng from disconnect evt...

    i want to knw one more thing that is der any other evt occurs during disconnection ...

  • hiii asbjorn.......

    wat am doing is i just called non_connectable advertising in connection evt in on_ble_evt.. and connectable advertising in disconnect evt.... but now error occurs in the connectable advertising_start function cllng from disconnect evt...

    i want to knw one more thing that is der any other evt occurs during disconnection ...

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