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error: invalid state upon disconnect


am doing a project for implementing broadcasting while in active connection... i hv broadcastd datas successfully but the problem is when i disconnect the connection it stops advertising...actually it shuld advertise.. ryt? it shows an error INVALID_STATE .error is in the line " err_code = sd_ble_gap_adv_start(&m_adv_params);"..i dnt knw wat is d problem... help me to solv it...

  • Which chip, SDK and Softdevice are you using?

    Are you sure that you have disconnected once you try to start the connectable advertising again? What reason do you get from the ble_gap_evt_disconnect? Are you disconnecting from the peripheral or are you disconnecting from the central side?

  • Which chip, SDK and Softdevice are you using?

    Are you sure that you have disconnected once you try to start the connectable advertising again? What reason do you get from the ble_gap_evt_disconnect? Are you disconnecting from the peripheral or are you disconnecting from the central side?

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