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nrf24le1 input status changed very slowly

void io_init(void) //P0 input with inner pull up. { P0DIR = 0xFF;
P0CON = 0x50;
P0CON = 0x51;
P0CON = 0x52;
P0CON = 0x53;
P0CON = 0x54;
P0CON = 0x55;
P0CON = 0x56;
P0CON = 0x57;

void TX_Mode(void) { SPI_RW_Reg(WRITE_REG + CONFIG, 0x0e); id_buf[0]=P0; SPI_Write_Buf(WR_TX_PLOAD, id_buf, TX_PLOAD_WIDTH); RFCE=1; delay(10); RFCE=0; }

The P0 with inner pull up, and with keys to GND.TX_Mode will be called each second, when key pressed and released ,the value of P0 changed very slowly , it will need about 2-3 second to update the status(key down, and key release), monitored by received packet buf[0]. that is very strange , what is wrong?
