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nRF Sniffer decryption is not working after entering passkey

I am a newbie with nRF Sniffer, which I have installed on one PCA10040 board. I am sniffing communications between a Samsung phone running nRF Connect and a second PCA10040 running the glucose sample app.

I believe I am following the instructions in the User Guide section 5.5: when the glucose app prints the 6-digit passkey I enter this into Wireshark and type enter, then I enter it into the phone. The phone and peripheral then bond and work, but Wireshark starts printing "Encrypted packet decrypted incorrectly (Bad MIC)" . When I click on Log I see this:

INFO: Setting Passkey: 691295

INFO: Sent key value to sniffer: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 140, 95]

A screenshot is here:


Q1: Are my results expected? What should I do differently?

Q2: Assuming I am able to get beyond this problem, is it possible to sniff subsequent connections? The Central and Peripheral will be bonded and the peripheral will not print a passkey. Can nRF Sniffer decrypt the second session based on keys it has saved?

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