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custom application without softdevice using nrf51822 dk


I am trying to develop a network of ble devices.i want nrf51822 to function as a master and slave( not necessarily simultaneous). For that i need to develop a custom application that will not use any of soft devices .The application should direct interact with ble stack. I am using keil MDK v5 .Is it possible.

Thanks in advance.

  • You write: "The application should direct interact with ble stack." So, just to clarify, our SoftDevice IS the BLE stack. And your custom application interacts directly with this stack (SoftDevice).

    It is possible to write you own application and BLE stack and not use the SoftDevice. But there is a reason why we provide the SoftDevice to our customers. The BLE protocol is quite comprehensive, and you would need a lot of time and programming skills to write your own stack. (Also, if you are using the evaluation version of Keil, it is a code limit at 32KB, which is probably not enough)

    The S120 v2.0.0 SoftDevice gives you the ability to use the nRF51822 as both master and slave.

  • You write: "The application should direct interact with ble stack." So, just to clarify, our SoftDevice IS the BLE stack. And your custom application interacts directly with this stack (SoftDevice).

    It is possible to write you own application and BLE stack and not use the SoftDevice. But there is a reason why we provide the SoftDevice to our customers. The BLE protocol is quite comprehensive, and you would need a lot of time and programming skills to write your own stack. (Also, if you are using the evaluation version of Keil, it is a code limit at 32KB, which is probably not enough)

    The S120 v2.0.0 SoftDevice gives you the ability to use the nRF51822 as both master and slave.
