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S130 demo app for nRF51822 development kit

Hai, I am using nRF51822 development kit. I want to test the demo app for S130 soft device using this. But i could find that the demo app is for the evaluation kit. I am using Keil v4.74. Can I run the same code using the nRF51822 development kit? If no, what all modifications have to be done? Thanks in advance

  • If you have a look in the board_config.h file that is included in main.c, you can select the development kit by defining the right BOARD_TYPE. It should be BOARD_PCA10005

    #define BOARD_TYPE BOARD_PCA10005

    Go to 'Project -> Options for target -> Device' and select nRF51822_xxAA under 'Nordic Semiconductor' in the list.

    Go to the Target fan and use IROM1 Start: 0x1C000, Size: 0x24000 and IRAM1 Start: 0x20002800, Size: 0x1800.

    You may also need to go to the 'Debug' fan, select 'Jlink / J-TRACE Cortex' in "Use:"-dropdown list.

    Push 'Settings' next to it, select the right debugger (SN) and make sure 'Port:' is set to SW

  • Go to 'Project -> Options for target -> Device' and select nRF51822_xxAA under 'Nordic Semiconductor' in the list.

    Go to the Target fan and use IROM1 Start: 0x1C000, Size: 0x24000 and IRAM1 Start: 0x20002800, Size: 0x1800.

    Did that change anything?

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