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S310 app_error_handler in the src\gap_core.c

I got the errror handler in the src\gap_core.c line 1473. It happen when i do those steps with NEXUS 7 II. Step1: Use the Bluetooth to connect to the nRF51422 Step2: Enter the incorrect passkey. Step3: connect the the same device again. Step4: Enter the correct passkey After Step1~4,the error happen If I use the NEXUS 5,this problem is not happen. Could you track the gap_core.c and tell us what wrong?

  • This issue has already been resolved by direct contact with customer through MyPage, but for anyone else interested:

    This assert can be avoided by not calling sd_ble_gap_authenticate after reception of BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_PARAMS_REQUEST. We will fix this issue in future softdevice release.

  • This issue has already been resolved by direct contact with customer through MyPage, but for anyone else interested:

    This assert can be avoided by not calling sd_ble_gap_authenticate after reception of BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_PARAMS_REQUEST. We will fix this issue in future softdevice release.

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