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Secret registers at memory locations 0xF0000FE0 and 0xF0000FE8 of the nRF51822

The reset handler as shown in the C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Device\Nordic\nrf51822\Source\templates\arm\arm_startup_nrf51.s will call SystemInit as defined in the C:\Keil_v5\ARM\Device\Nordic\nrf51822\Source\templates\system_nrf51.c. The SystemInit will call is_manual_peripheral_setup_needed() and is_disabled_in_debug_needed() to determine the needs to do further things. Both is_manual_peripheral_setup_needed() and is_disabled_in_debug_needed will check the contents at the memory locations 0xF0000FE0 and 0xF0000FE8. There is no information regarding the registers at these locations in the nRF51822 Product Specification and the nRF51 Series Reference Manual.

Where can I find the information? Thank you for your help.

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