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Error in compiling softdevice s130 example in keil uvision 4.74


i was trying to compile the softdevice s130 example code given with softdevice download from nordic. I am using the ARM-MDK lite 4.74 version. It is showing error "main.c: error: C3903U: Argument '-D__EVAL' not permitted for option 'device'.". Can anyone please help to sove this problem

thanks in advance.

  • Go to 'Project -> Options for target -> Device' and select nRF51822_xxAA under 'Nordic Semiconductor' in the list.

    Go to the Target fan and use IROM1 Start: 0x1C000, Size: 0x24000 and IRAM1 Start: 0x20002800, Size: 0x1800.

    You may also need to go to the 'Debug' fan, select 'Jlink / J-TRACE Cortex' in "Use:"-dropdown list.

    Push 'Settings' next to it, select the right debugger (SN) and make sure 'Port:' is set to SW

  • Go to 'Project -> Options for target -> Device' and select nRF51822_xxAA under 'Nordic Semiconductor' in the list.

    Go to the Target fan and use IROM1 Start: 0x1C000, Size: 0x24000 and IRAM1 Start: 0x20002800, Size: 0x1800.

    You may also need to go to the 'Debug' fan, select 'Jlink / J-TRACE Cortex' in "Use:"-dropdown list.

    Push 'Settings' next to it, select the right debugger (SN) and make sure 'Port:' is set to SW

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