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ble_app_proximity errors


I'm testing ble_app_proximity example (...\Nordic\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\s110\ble_app_proximity). I'm using Master Control Panel Android app version 2.0.3 and Nexus 5 with the latest Android 4.4.4. I've noticed a few errors that seems to appear randomly.

  1. When I try to connect to "Nordic_Prox" sometimes I get Error(0x81): GATT INTERNAL ERROR Error(0x85): GATT ERROR

  2. While reading the Tx Power Level sometimes I'm getting Error(0x89): GATT AUTH FAIL, on another phone with Android 4.4.2 these errors also occasionally occur. image description image description image description

Thank you in advance for any advice how to eliminate these errors

  • Hello,

    I am suffering these errors too. Nowadays, I am developing a project using a nrf8002, and either with Nordic App or with my code, these errors appears in my Smart Phone (Nexus 5 Android 4.4.4)

    I don't know how to fix them, but in an other post, a Nordic Semi Employee told us that these error are coming from internal Bluetooth Stack. I agree, because of it doesn't matter how you disconnect from your peripheral. Either using disconnect() or close() functions, internal Gatt error will appear. It is a matter of time.

    As far I am concerned, Google should fix these annoying issues as soon as possible if they really want develop weareables based on low energy technology. I hope these will fix soon.

  • Carlos, thanks for the explanation, but if anyone else would like to add something I would be very thankful.
