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nrf51822 own custom board


I want to develop my own custom board for the nrf51822 chip. Where can I find the documentation needed for this?

Thank you

  • There are some Reference Files in the download section of the NRF51822. For the tuning of the antenna there is awhite paper "nWP-017" also in the download section. There are lot´s f topics for tunung the antenna as well. Here and Here you can find some good Information about the power consumption and needed crystals for ble. Good luck! I already finished my custom board! Greets

  • There are some Reference Files in the download section of the NRF51822. For the tuning of the antenna there is awhite paper "nWP-017" also in the download section. There are lot´s f topics for tunung the antenna as well. Here and Here you can find some good Information about the power consumption and needed crystals for ble. Good luck! I already finished my custom board! Greets

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