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API to see undiscoverable mode

I am trying to make a product with NRF8002B. I finally have the product prototyped. The user will connect to the device, beep, light up, and track. It will always stay on. When the device is lost, I want an app to view the lost device and send a message to the owner of the lost device.

I can log the MAC/UUID of a lost device to search in a list for, but how can a 3rd party phone view an NRF8002B info (UUID/MAC/Signal Power) that is already bonded to another phone?

Star Destroyer partially answered this question and here is his response:

"You should be able to see it in other phones, however you need to take care that you use an API on the phone at allows flexibility in the discovery procedures. Once the nRF8002 is bonded, it is in a mode called "non-discoverable mode", I am using quotes here as it is still advertising and is easily discovered. However some Android APIs do not report devices that are in "non-discoverable" mode, so you will need to look at the different APIs available to see which ones will show the device."

My question then would be, what API that is available for Windows/iOS/Android has that API that allows to see a non discoverable device? Is there a different chipset that is better suited for this application?

Thanks everyone for your help.
