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About uuid

int lbs

Hi,everyone,we change the uuid to #define LBS_UUID_SERVICE 0x2101 #define LBS_UUID_LED_CHAR 0x3A01 #define LBS_UUID_BUTTON_CHAR 0x3A02 in nrf51-ble-app-lbs-master project

In the master control panel we get them,the right number;

but int the andriod app we get the wrong ones, always 1523、1524、1525,what cause this problem? Thanks,

  • The Android app might be caching the remote GATT database if the two have bonded. It is not allowed to change the database for a bonded device without using the "Service Changed" characteristic, so in your case you will have to erase the bond from the Android side.

  • The Android app might be caching the remote GATT database if the two have bonded. It is not allowed to change the database for a bonded device without using the "Service Changed" characteristic, so in your case you will have to erase the bond from the Android side.
