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J-Link Edu

Hi, Can I use the J-Link Edu programmer to flash the nrf51822? Right now I'm using the J-Link LITE CortexM that I get from the development kit to flash the firmware into mu custom nrf51822 pcb but I need another programmer and I have access to a J-Link Edu. If it is possible is the following the right connections:

J-Link Edu --- My PCB

1 - VTarget --- Vcc

4 - GND --- GND

7 - TMS --- SWDIO

9 - TCK --- SWCLK


  • I have used the J-Link EDU to program the beacon (nRF51822) so that is confirmed to work :) Keep in mind the nRF doesnt support JTAG, though, so you need to use the SWD signals. These signals have the same name as on the nRF51822 chip, but in the pinout TMS corresponds to SWDIO, and TCK to SWCLK so that looks correct!

  • I have used the J-Link EDU to program the beacon (nRF51822) so that is confirmed to work :) Keep in mind the nRF doesnt support JTAG, though, so you need to use the SWD signals. These signals have the same name as on the nRF51822 chip, but in the pinout TMS corresponds to SWDIO, and TCK to SWCLK so that looks correct!

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