Hi - I'm using a nRF52840 DK for the first time with my 2010 MacBook pro running OSX Sierra version 10.12.6. I have SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM 4.12 installed and Segger J-link V6.40 tools running in /Applications/SEGGER/JLink. My DK board has a PCA10056 debugger chip v1.0.0.
I have the Power switch on the DK board set to on, coin cell battery removed, power switch set to VDD.
When I connect the DK board to my Mac via micro USB cable, I see LED5 blinking about once a second, and LED1 pulsating about once per 3 sec.
The big problem I'm having is that I can't get the Segger Embedded Studio to see the DK; when I select "Connect J-Link" in the Target menu, I keep getting a "Can't connect to J-Link via USB" pop-up.
Also, I don't consistently see a "JLINK" drive widget in my Finder window. And even when I do see it and tell Segger ES to connect to the board, it ejects the JLINK drive and fails to connect as it does in all other cases.
Any ideas?