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Port driver , application in linux enviorment after testing done using nRF52 SDK

Hi BJorn,

    I am using nRF52840 chipset using NINA-B301 EVK and could port and test some test applications using NRF52 SDK. My query is in actual harrdware we are using only nRF52840 CHIPSET  using UART interface to CPU. So how can I port driver and application of this chipset to CPU linux build enviornment. If you have some basic suggestions please do provide.



Parents Reply
  • Hi Awneil,

     Thanks for response.

     I agree with you that basic communication interface is UART but while testing on EVK I am installing nRF52 SDK and nrfjprog tool in my UBUNTU PC. My concern is do I need to port all like SDK and programming tool in the target enviornment which is Yocto Linux having 4.9.51 version. As only nRF52840 in in target hardware how can I program and interface from target CPU ?
