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Programming nrf51x22 with Keil in C++

Hi All,

I was wondering if it was possible to program the nrf51x22 in c++? I am using Keil and I'm trying to convert the examples in the SDK to CPP by adding --cpp to the compiler string and

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {


#ifdef __cplusplus

to the headers but I cant seem to compile these targets. Could someone tell me how to configure Keil to use either the ARM or the GCC compiler for this? When switching to GCC I keep getting the error target CPU does not support ARM mode.



Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the explanation. As far as I see, the mbed team has already made the SDK C++ compatible and it is possible to export projects from their online toolchain to Keil or GCC. I have tried that with some online example projects and it seems to work easily. Why do I want to move to C++? Because, many open source libraries are written in C++. So, I would be glad indeed, if Nordic could support the C++ development directly...

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