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How can i set BLE_GAP_DISC_MODE_NOT_DISCOVERABLE advertisement type? I dont see any example application which implements it.

Regards, Nikolaj

  • Thanks for the Reply Nikita.

    BLE_GAP_ADV_FLAG_BR_EDR_NOT_SUPPORTED flag is set, but the device is seen as before. Required to make the device invisible to other devices, but allow connection.

  • It's not possible. BLE_GAP_DISC_MODE_NOT_DISCOVERABLE only tells central that it shouldn't consider this device as discovered, but it's up to central to actually decide either to use this device or not.

    Required to make the device invisible to other devices, but allow connection.

    By this you mean that centrals should be able to connect to the device without receiveing advertising packets? That's not possible either.

  • It's not possible. BLE_GAP_DISC_MODE_NOT_DISCOVERABLE only tells central that it shouldn't consider this device as discovered, but it's up to central to actually decide either to use this device or not.

    Required to make the device invisible to other devices, but allow connection.

    By this you mean that centrals should be able to connect to the device without receiveing advertising packets? That's not possible either.

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