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Use of rtc1 in s110


i couldnt find the correct answer yet. I would like to use a RTC and also the s110 and BLE.

I collect data from sensors over i2c and send it over BLE. timing interval for collecting the data should be done by a rtc because of the low power comsumption.

  1. Shall i only activate the softdevice when i want to send the data over ble and for measuring and i2c disable it?

  2. If using the SD all the time, how can i use the RTC1 as it isnt blocked by the SD. I read i could change something in app_timer.h but i dont really know what. Why is it so hard to use the rtc when sd is enabled. They are so power efficient and i really need one to run.

Thanks a lot! Matthias

  • Shall i only activate the softdevice when i want to send the data over ble and for measuring and i2c disable it?

    No, you don't need to disable softdevice at all.

    If using the SD all the time, how can i use the RTC1 as it isnt blocked by the SD. I read i could change something in app_timer.h but i dont really know what. Why is it so hard to use the rtc when sd is enabled. They are so power efficient and i really need one to run.

    Read this about RTC1.

    You don't have to use RTC1 directly, I'd recommend you to use app_timer instead for your timer.

  • You don't need to do anything with RTC1 yourself, it'll be done inside app_timer. You can see example of how to use app_timer if ble_app_hrs project, there is several timers. You need to init app_timer module with APP_TIMER_INIT() once and then you can create your timer with app_timer_create() function and after creation you can start timer with app_timer_start() function.

  • You don't need to do anything with RTC1 yourself, it'll be done inside app_timer. You can see example of how to use app_timer if ble_app_hrs project, there is several timers. You need to init app_timer module with APP_TIMER_INIT() once and then you can create your timer with app_timer_create() function and after creation you can start timer with app_timer_start() function.

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