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No network interface to work with on nrf9160


I followed the getting started guide but the kit can't connect. I'm getting this error:

net_if.net_if_init: There is no network interface to work with!

Is this a known bug, how can i fix it? Or is there a hardware issue?

Kind regards,

Daan Pape

  • Hi ........... thanks for the info. I'm based in the UK and the issues regarding coverage are still resulting in poor overall service in my part of the country (Wales). I understand that the East of the UK has some coverage. I've tried the kit in the South of France with some colleagues and they got it to work but the concensus is that things are still a "work in progress" as far as the kit is concerned. We have contemplated creating our own platfrom but testing in our part of the UK is a no-go presently. It's really a shame as the device has great promise but unless things get resolved fairly quickly with it then I fear the competition from the Far East will steal market share. We have had some good experiences with other modems in our testing with partners in Malaysia.        If someone from Nordic wants to get in touch I think we could create something more usable for developers who are looking at the device from a metrology perspective.

  • : We're constantly improving the modem firmware for the nRF91 towards the production release, hence we always recommend using the latest firmware available here. Coverage is a bit more difficult to assist you with, but I would recommend that you talk to our RSM in the UK.  Our RSM should be able to give you more information on the status of the LTE networks in your area as well as the roll out plans. If you do not have our RSM's contact info, then send me a private message and I will provide it to you. 

    Best regards

