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Username and Password do not work for devzone or nordicsemi standard site.

My username and password credentials do not work here or on the normal nordic semi site. The random password (i.e. fj[k%3) will work at the nordic semi site, and continue to work after logging out and back in however I can never remember it without going to look at my email. I go into account settings and set my password to: "something77sensible" however when I try and log in with "something77sensible" I am denied. As far as the devzone site I set "somethingsensible" and it says "saved thanks" however I'm met with the same inability to log in here when I try to use it. The only way for me to log in here at the devzone is to hit "forgot password" every time.

Has anybody else experienced this?


  • Are you using the login form in the sidebar, under 'User menu' ? I think there are some issues with the login form that is shown in the middle of the page when you write your password wrong. Also, if you write you password wrong once, or you reset your password and enter a new one, the next time you log in you will be asked to enter a new password. You can ignore this message.

  • Are you using the login form in the sidebar, under 'User menu' ? I think there are some issues with the login form that is shown in the middle of the page when you write your password wrong. Also, if you write you password wrong once, or you reset your password and enter a new one, the next time you log in you will be asked to enter a new password. You can ignore this message.

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