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SoftDevice S120 - data exchange in piconet


We need to develop piconet where each device able initiate receiving and transmitting data. According to a Bluetooth Core V4.0 specification this topology named like "scatternet operation".

So, 2 masters (cerntal roles) should establish connection and exchange some data.

Is it possible to do that using S120 softdevice only ?


  • According to Figure 1.1 in Volume 2, Part B?

    I believe the blue circle with black dot in Figure 1.1c is a combined master and/or slave. It is a master to the slaves, and slave to the master.

    The S120 can be a master(central) or a slave(peripheral).

    The S130 can be a master(central) and a slave(peripheral)

    Edit: The S120 version 1.x.x can only be a central, while the S120 version 2.x.x can be a central or a peripheral. Currently this is an alpha release (2.0.0-1.alpha), please see the download tab in the product page.

    The difference is between S120 and S130 is that the S130 can be a central and a peripheral at the same time, while the S120 cannot.

  • According to Figure 1.1 in Volume 2, Part B?

    I believe the blue circle with black dot in Figure 1.1c is a combined master and/or slave. It is a master to the slaves, and slave to the master.

    The S120 can be a master(central) or a slave(peripheral).

    The S130 can be a master(central) and a slave(peripheral)

    Edit: The S120 version 1.x.x can only be a central, while the S120 version 2.x.x can be a central or a peripheral. Currently this is an alpha release (2.0.0-1.alpha), please see the download tab in the product page.

    The difference is between S120 and S130 is that the S130 can be a central and a peripheral at the same time, while the S120 cannot.
