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Getting started with nrf51822 EK and TWI sensor


Firstly, I just begun with BLE and I am trying to program nrf51822 to read the sensor data through TWI (I2C) connection and send this reading to the central device (which will be the PC with MCP in my case)

I want to know what are the steps, the resources that can help me and the basic knowledge that I should have for completing this task.


  • Take a look through the SDK.

    First on examples of using the TWI, at default installed at: C:\Keil\ARM\Device\Nordic\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\twi_sw_master_example, then move forward to the ...\Board\nrf6310\s110\ folder and manage to set up a peripheral device you can see in the MCP. Try ripping apart one of these examples to the bare minimum of what you need and see how these examples transmit data to the server side (usually with notifications).

  • Take a look through the SDK.

    First on examples of using the TWI, at default installed at: C:\Keil\ARM\Device\Nordic\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\twi_sw_master_example, then move forward to the ...\Board\nrf6310\s110\ folder and manage to set up a peripheral device you can see in the MCP. Try ripping apart one of these examples to the bare minimum of what you need and see how these examples transmit data to the server side (usually with notifications).

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